Test laboratory LIMALAB

Material tests

Our accredited and modern well-equipped testing laboratory applies methods like mechanical materials testing, non-destructive tests, metallographic examinations, and spectral analyzes.

You can get an overview of the accredited testing procedures by downloading our accreditation certificate below.


Marcel Pauli+49 4281 - 713-430marcel.pauli@de.lisega.comwww.limalab.de
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Test laboratory LIMALAB

LIMALAB is accredited according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 and offers independent material testing services in the areas of mechanical or destructive testing as well as non-destructive testing methods. The core competences of the test laboratory lie in the mechanical testing methods such as tensile and flexural tests, welding procedure tests, spectral analyzes as well as impact and hardness tests. Further competences are metallographic investigations and non-destructive tests. You can get an overview of the accredited testing procedures by downloading our accreditation certificate.

The test laboratory emerged from the globally successful company LISEGA SE, which is specialized in in the field of industrial scale pipe supports. The independent testing laboratory has an important function in the quality assurance.

Services Test laboratory LIMALAB

  • Mechanical / technological material testing according to EN / ISO and ASTM
  • Non-destructive material testing (NDT)
  • Metallographic examination
  • Optical emission spectrometry (OES)
  • Simulating heat treatments
  • Welding procedure qualification
  • Damage case examination
  • Sample production and transport
  • Personal advice about your testing request
  • Flexible and fast order processing