Mürmann – Use of m·connect in Easton House, Berlin

18. June 2020

Within the framework of the mod­ernization of the so-called Easton House in Berlin, a building com­plex housing a hotel and offices, the idea was raised of creating a space-dividing element. With the drafting of a membrane design in three-dimensional form, an archi­tecturally sophisticated solution was found. The bracing of the membrane construction was se­cured at sixteen anchor points with m.connect tension rod systems, with the addition of four steel cables to affix membrane and mast to the upper and lower anchorage points. The membrane assumes its three-dimensional form by way of a centrally located support. This membrane is a sil­ver-grey, large-mesh web ensur­ing optimum lighting and creates the desired effect of separate spaces when viewed from above. The use of textiles in construction is now a regular feature in modern 21st century architecture. The Ger­man architect Prof. Frei Otto is re­garded as the ‘father of mem­brane architecture’ – he developed textile construction as long as 50 years ago. The possibility of roof­ing over large surfaces without supports, creating a range of spa­tial shapes and enabling spectac­ular effects through the light per­meability of some materials are special features of modern mem­brane architecture.