LISEGA PST – Great performance on World Environment Day

29. September 2020

On 5 June 2020 a special compe­tition was held in Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Park on the occasion of the World Environ­ment Day, in which despite the rain nine LISEGA employees took part. The first stage involved a so-called treasure hunt, where ques­tion cards had to be found in the park and questions on the envi­ronment were to be answered. The aim was not only to widen knowledge but also to boost motivation for the implementa­tion of environmental protection measures. The second activity was a dragon boat race. A professional coach explained and demon­strated the special techniques necessary for dragon boat rowing. After a brief run on dry land and with only rudimentary knowledge, our colleagues then took their places for the boat race. Following the rhythm of the drum, paddles were swung into action and the LISEGA boat was first across the finishing line: race won! Even the constant rain couldn’t cloud this success and the participants’ de­light! Our hearty congratulations on this performance!