Calenberg Ing. – Sliding bearings for the new Bundesliga Stadium in Freiburg, Germany

2. July 2020

The Dreisam Stadium, home of the SC Freiburg soccer team, which was built in 1954, no longer complies with the German Soccer League standards and can only be used on the basis of special ap­proval for Bundesliga matches. A decision was therefore made in 2012 to construct a new stadium with 34,700 seats. After official ap­proval and the start of construc­tion in 2018, the new stadium is to be completed in summer 2020. Due to the huge self-supporting steel roof design temperature-related length expansion in the steel supports must be reckoned with. These displacements must be accommodated as friction-free as possible, while at the same time allowing the centric induction of the ensuing loads and flexural movement of the steelwork. Calenberg ‘surface hole’ slide bearings Type Z are used on the supports in the rounded corners of the emerald-shaped stadium, as well as at the trusses on the main stand. These can compensate the expected displacements with low friction, while at the same time absorbing distortion and centric distribution of the heavy loads in the support­ing structure.