Mr. Hardtke’s 80th birthday

12. March 2019

On 21 February 2019 Mr. Hans-Herlof Hardtke, co-founder, sole shareholder and chairman of the LISEGA Group Supervisory Board, reached the age of 80 years. In contrast to the recent large-scale celebrations, Mr. Hardtke decided this year to confine the festivities to a small family circle. However, all those working worldwide in the LISEGA Group were treated to a cash bonus awarded by Mr. Hardtke on the occasion of his birthday. At the plant in Zeven the Board presented the chairman, in the name of all employees, with a photo collage of all employees, as well as a fire basket especially designed and manufactured for the occasion by the production department.

For many years now, Mr. Hardtke has been a tireless promoter of new technologies and a firm champion of digitalization. All employees are united in their wish that Mr. Hardtke will further enjoy good health and, in conjunction with his role as Supervisory Board chairman, continue to actively shape and promote the company’s interests.