LISEGA PST – A heart-warming idea

22. September 2020

On 19 June 2020 LISEGA PST cele­brated its 18th anniversary. To mark the occasion, the customer Samsung Korea presented them with a basket of flowers as a com­plete surprise. LISEGA PST was delighted to re­ceive this present acknowledging their long-standing collaboration and Samsung’s trust in LISEGA. LISEGA PST is now even more highly motivated to continue working for customer satisfaction. On the initiative of the Managing Director, Dr. Enhui Zhu, the human resources depart­ment has pre­sented the history of LISEGA PST with rep­resenta­tive photos. The heart-shaped photo display is lo­cated be­side the photo of the firm’s founder, Ger­hard Liesegang, whose creativity is a shining example to all. The photos are wonderful reminders of special moments and personal­ities in the successful develop­ment of LISEGA PST.